Commitments to do better

It's up to us to remember that the intensity and desire for change that we feel right now is so important, but we can't let it fade when the news cycle changes. Racial and social justice work is a long term commitment.
I am thinking hard about ways that I can more actively incorporate this work into Lumenrose Jewelry as a business and in my personal life. Here are some commitments I’m making to do better:
Source the most sustainable materials I can to help minimize harmful environmental and workplace impacts on communities of color worldwide.
I will continue to donate a percentage of monthly profits, with an emphasis on repeat donations to specific organizations for better long term impact.
I will learn about and divest my resources from corporations who perpetuate inequality and profit off of Black and brown communities. Here's a list of companies that exacerbate racial inequality. 
I will personally continue to read, listen to and amplify Black, Indigenous and POC voices. I will include my family and community in conversations that arise from this in hopes of creating open and honest discussion about race and privilege.
I will seek out and shop/support/promote Black-owned businesses and POC-owned businesses over large corporations and box stores. Where our dollars go matters!
When we can gather together safely again, I would like to offer low cost/free/trade one on one metalsmithing instruction and mentorship to artists of color starting out in this field. I imagine this could also look like offering my time to already-established programs that teach metalsmithing*. I will be more fully forming my vision for this over the coming months. 
*Like this incredible program I just discovered called We Wield the Hammer in my hometown of Oakland, CA
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