Hi! I'm Erika.
I am the woman behind Lumenrose Jewelry. After falling in love with turquoise while working at a Bay Area jewelry gallery and trading post in college, I took my first metalsmithing class in San Francisco in 2009. A couple years and two more classes later I was able to close my eyes and picture all the tools I needed at my bench. That was when I knew I was ready to set up a studio of my own. Since then, I've had a small bench set up in every home I've lived in, which is many!
I love the way that a hard, durable material can be turned into something that appears delicate, soft and luminous. I make everything from start to finish with the utmost attention to the craftswomanship of each piece.
Finding and selecting the most unique and eye-catching stones from sustainable sources is one of my all time favorite parts of the job.
May you wear your jewelry with confidence and delight.

I care deeply about social and racial justice. As a mixed race Chinese and German person I am often situated in an ambiguous or unique (depending how you see it) role when it comes to addressing white supremacy and institutional racism. I am committed to doing what I can with my white-adjacent privilege when it comes to fighting for the rights of oppressed communities. I periodically create special designs, the sales of which I donate to organizations doing important work to uplift Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities. This blog post outlines ways that Lumenrose Jewelry is trying to make little bit of a difference. I am committed to monthly donations to the organizations listed here. I spotlight a BIPOC jewelry artist a few times a year on my blog.