I've been quiet on this blog for a number of months. It's been so long since I've put my thoughts on here that sitting to write this is an almost unfamiliar experience. I'm in a place of "just make the jewelry". AKA there's no time for anything else. When I am lucky to get an hour of time on any given day to focus on Lumenrose Jewelry, it feels frivolous to do anything other than head directly to my bench.
Just make the jewelry.
But jewelry doesn't sell or reach you unless I photograph it, write about it, email about it, share it to my (increasingly diminished--FU Instagram--) social media audience. So there are days when these things must happen in lieu of making progress on those new earrings I really want to complete. I am so aware of how each time I decide to spend that hour on any of the five hundred things a sole proprietor must do, that it is an hour not spent finishing a piece of jewelry. Having a toddler and endless home projects does not lend itself to being predictably productive. Thank god she's usually in bed by 7:30.
Just make the jewelry.
Well, mostly after 7:30pm I did make some jewelry. Over the last couple months I've been slowly building a collection based around new textures and a timeless shape. Circles, silver, stones. Simple, solid, sexy. I'll let you know when it's all ready for the website. Thanks for still being here.