I updated the online shop last week with an array of old, new, sample, seconds, and random pieces of jewelry. Some of it was hot off the bench, like this brilliant green Sonoran Gold turquoise necklace.

Some of the pieces have been around for a while, just looking for the right home. Like this sweet, sweet silver ring with a tiny white sapphire.

There were even two listings for custom Lumenrose Hoops! Those don’t pop up much, but I think I’ll be offering some more custom slots soon. You can see what else is available here.
This month of April I plan to take a little time to experiment with a new silversmithing technique of sand casting. With the world around us slowing down due to Covid-19 and many folks transitioning to new ways of doing business, I feel like now is a good time to try to expand my offerings.
As the stay at home orders come down from local and state officials here in AZ, I realize that I live in a pretty insulated world. My daily life hasn’t changed much at all. Living in a rural area where the nearest grocery store is 40 minutes away, I already live in a sort of quarantine existence. I exercise by myself at home or in the plentiful (and empty of humans) National Forest land adjacent to our house, I already transitioned to all online yoga classes when we left Tucson, and I make many of our food staples. I’m also very content to spend days alone (I guess I am an introvert? ;) and truthfully I am not feeling deprived of social gatherings. I do, however, feel very strongly about following all the current guidelines around social distancing and hygiene because we all have roles to play in slowing this pandemic.
I realize I have it super easy. My life is already set up to work from home. My business is already set up to sell online. I don’t have kids no longer in school who need extra support and entertainment. I’m regularly in touch with neighbors and family. I’m left wondering what I can do to be engaged and useful at this time. What has this experience been like for you? What ways are you connecting with or helping your community?