Hundreds of stones have passed through my hands over the years. Some of them stole my heart and have stayed in my memory. Here are some of them and maybe a word or two about why I love/d them.

The glow within, I’m mean come on. Thick Tanzanite with facets and the *most* perfect periwinkle color.

Also glowing, turquoise style. Gem quality Sierra Nevada turquoise. I want to dive in.

Quite possibly the coolest piece of jewelry I’ve ever made. But about the stone, which is also one of the coolest to ever cross my bench: all natural polychrome Cheyenne turquoise mined by my friend in Nevada.

If a stone could be soft, this is the example. Energetically the softest, kindest stone despite its angular shape. Easy on the eyes, gorgeous in its color landscape. It’s Chinese turquoise and I’m Chinese too, maybe that has something to do with how much I loved this one.

Kicking myself that I ever let these go. Hopefully you can see why. Natural Turquoise Mountain Kingman.

Like blue lightning. I don’t know if that even makes sense. The color and definition of this stone is ⚡️. Chinese turquoise. This ring is in the shop now.

Another Cheyenne beauty. See the orange in there?!? This cuff too is in the shop.

A glassy, clear blue turquoise oval with forest green accents and a chunk of Quartz. This one is mine. It’s the first and only ring I’ve ever intentionally designed for myself and kept.
There are many more stones I could share here, but I’ll leave it at that for now. If you own any of these or other Lumenrose pieces I always love to hear from you about how the jewelry is serving you. Drop an email any time to Thanks for supporting me and this craft.