forever unfurling: earrings that evolve

A year ago at the end of 2021 I created an earring design that was close to my heart and a way for me to process some of what I was going through as a newer mother. I settled on the name "The Forever Unfurling Earrings". Here's what I wrote in an Instagram post explaining the origin of this name:
Un•furl: to open, unfold, develop, blossom.
All the ways that motherhood necessitates opening is nothing I could have grasped before being IN it. The endless morphing, shedding, changing. The million letting-go’s that accumulate until I wake up and can’t imagine in what lifetime did I ever do those things I did before you were born?
The letting-go’s of how it used to be are really hard for me. I know I’m not alone in that. I know things will shift and that this is a moment in time. I know that who I am is always unfurling. As with the seasons there is a time for blossoms and a time when the petals fall, and all of it is part of growing.
The Forever Unfurling Earrings:
Each pair begins with the same components, then somewhere in the process they unfurl and become exactly what they were meant to be. 
The latest iteration in 2022 is below. Look for more pairs in person at upcoming holiday markets and in the shop.
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