Mother’s Day is next weekend. I’m not here to remind you to buy things, I’m here to share some thoughts as a mother myself.

Every day I cannot believe my own mother raised 3 children. Thank you, Mom, I had no idea until now what it was you did and continue to do for us. I love you forever.
Every day I cannot believe the vast expanse of things I feel, often within a 5 second span in regards to my 2.5 year old daughter. Utter frustration to pure awe, in the blink of an eye.
Every day has its challenges, and while there are days that feel unbearable, mostly I feel a sense of wonder that I get to do life with my very own little buddy.
Almost every word out of her mouth is hilarious right now. I simply cannot believe this tiny, talking, thinking, connecting, adoring goofball of a human is my very own creation.
I already feel a sense of loss for when my child will no longer be attached to me at the hip and I already feel how much I’ll miss when she calls for me, yelling “MOM!” at any given moment… even though half the time right now I wish she would need me for less than absolutely everything under the sun.
I am a mother and I am also my own person.
One day I will sleep all night again, every night of the week.
There is almost nothing better in the world than waking up with my daughter smushed against me in the bed.
Messes are ok. Messes are ok. Messes are ok. Messes are ok….If I keep telling myself that maybe it will be true one day.
May I find patience when I feel DONE, acceptance that I will make mistakes and more presence to revel in the gift that is witnessing a child grow.
For all the mothers, sisters, aunties, grandmas, friends, teachers, mothers-to-be, those who could not be mothers, caregivers, cousins and anyone who raises a child, may you find patience when you feel DONE, acceptance that you will make mistakes and more presence to revel in the gift that is witnessing a child grow.

1 comment
You have learned wise lessons that some only learn many years later. Good mom that you had and good mom that you are. Happy Mothers Day!